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Earth Day is a day focused on climate action in which we celebrate our beautiful planet and the incredible efforts of teams across the globe in protecting it. But Earth Day is also a moment for us all to stop and raise our voices to demand more ambitious action to combat the climate emergency, starting now.

But this year, we still woke up to a world battling a deadly pandemic and its uncomfortably clear link to systemic environmental degradation. For many of us, the hopelessness we feel in this challenging time is due to our inability to do much about it. And in terms of climate, a lot of us feel passionately about doing some good for the world but we just don’t know how or where to direct our energy. Lucky for us, we can take action on climate in many ways, and a few cutting-edge brands are enabling us to do this from the confines of home.

Nisolo is one such name. As a sustainable shoe company, Nisolo recognises that everything it does has an impact on the planet. Since early 2018, Nisolo has partnered with Ecosphere+ to offset the carbon emissions of everything it has produced by financing projects that protect vital old-growth forest in the Peruvian Amazon, giving customers the power to take climate action with each step they take.  And on this year’s Earth Day, Nisolo became even more ambitious taking the next step in their climate action journey and announcing plans to go certified carbon neutral by measuring and offsetting the full scope of its environmental impact through its partnership with Climate Neutral, a certification scheme for carbon neutral businesses. This new programme will address everything in the supply chain of their shoes and accessories – the carbon emissions of raw material providers to measuring emissions within factories to measuring the emissions of employee daily commutes and even the trucks that deliver Nisolo products to your doorstep.

By giving back to the environment more than they take away, Nisolo sets an example of a marketplace that puts a value on climate and the environment, encouraging other businesses to follow suit.

For conscious consumers, brands like Nisolo give us the opportunity to make choices that create a lifestyle aligned with our beliefs and ambitions. We don’t need certifications, job titles or audiences to take action for climate – we can use our purchasing power to drive the change we want to see.

Nisolo’s partnership with Ecosphere+ to support the Cordillera Azul National Park project is protecting vital forest and wildlife habitat in the Amazon in Central Peru. This video highlights Nisolo’s journey to carbon neutrality and why investing in conservation is fundamental to the business.