COLORADO, NOV 06-07, 2017
Kate Dillon Levin atteneded the Regenerative Earth Summit, of which Ecosphere+ also sponsored. Kate also hosted a workshop, hosted a dinner and spoke on a panel about to grow the movement for regenerative activities!
The Regenerative Earth Summit was the first of its kind and convened a cross-sectoral group of ~300 individuals with an interest in regenerative food and consumer good production and consumption. Regenerative agriculture is generally a term used to describe how to improve the carbon sequestration potential of soil as a massive ‘draw down’ opportunity to mitigate climate change. More international-focused companies and organizations used a definition of regeneration that includes the whole landscape – culture, society, economy, spirituality, and ecology (including soil, grasslands, and forests). The over-arching message was that climate change is an urgent problem, we are losing the fight, and we must move ‘beyond sustainability’ if we are to meet the challenge.
There was overwhelming consensus at the event that the Ecosphere+ portfolio was a model of what regenerative land use could be.
The event was remarkable in that we started and closed each session with mindfulness meditation! This event gave some amazing opportunities to meet and convene with new people, companies and sectors and was certainly worth attending!